
We have been getting reports that Google is giving out false information when you search "United Cash Register" or "United Cash Register and Computer Company".

United is the trademark name on a Cash Register / Point of Sale System. Google has also been using our trademark name to generate income from companies that want to advertise their Point of Sale System. In many cases, the advertising appears above our websites.

We do not have anything to do with video security cameras or alarm systems. When Google publishes false information about our company and uses the United name they are wanting us to correct that false information so they can correct their records and keep their monopoly going on internet searches.

United Cash Register & Computer Company is a private corporation and we do not give out any information about our company to anyone. We have been in business for over 50 years and have had many satisfied customers over the last 50 years. We get referrals from our customer base of satisfied customers over the many years and try to give the best service that we can to all of our customers.

If you receive any false information from any of their advertisers, we would appreciate it if you would forward that information to us. Email the information to thomastalpai@att.net. One of our websites is UnitedCashRegister.com, check it out.